Cancellations & Returns:
At Myracouture, we strive to make sure you have the best experience while selecting and buying your favorite Indian Ethnic Outfits. Despite our best efforts to keep our customers happy, there are times when you might feel the need to return your product for circumstances beyond your or our control.
We have listed everything below about our Cancellation and Refunds policy so that in case you do decide to cancel your order, or seek refunds, you do not face an iota of a problem.
Pre-Shipment Cancellations:
You can choose to cancel all Non-Ready to Ship products, only if done within 24 hours of placing it. We will initiate 100% refund of your money and a confirmation of the same will be sent to you via e-mail, though we would have loved to have added a new Ethnic Fashion statement to your wardrobe. Please be apprised that Ready to Ship orders are not eligible for cancellations as they are dispatched within 24 hours of the receipt of order.
As soon as your order is confirmed, action is initiated at our end. The process of picking, packaging, customizing and logistics start, and the ordered product in most cases has already passed through a couple of phases. In case a garment has to be readied, or customized, the process is already underway.
Well, we have a provision for that too but do remember – orders cancelled post 24 hours of confirmation are dealt with on a case-to-case basis by our Customer Care team depending on the degree of process completion.
Please be apprised that it takes a maximum of 2 business days, post the receipt of your cancellation request, for us to cancel your order, and send you a notification via e-mail.
As a policy, we try and reach out to our esteemed customers via their registered e-mail address. In case of non-receipt of any response, we try and give them a call. If we do not get a response in 15 days, we issue a Non-refundable Store Credit against cancellation of the order which the customers can use to place future orders with us. We share an update on the same via email as well.
Remember, we try and keep our customers posted at each and every stage of their order with us and it really helps to have your inputs at the right time.
You will receive an acknowledgement e-mail from us on confirming a Return Authorization, within 2-3 business days. Please do not ship items before you receive this email from us. We will be unable to process any “Items Returned” without the Return Authorization Reference.
Please note: In case needed, we’d request you for a digital picture of the item for our internal review to be able to process your request.
As would be advised in our return authorization e-mail, please send the items to us preferably through a reputed, registered courier/airmail service only to avoid any transit related issues.
Please try and ensure that you retain all the packaging material along with the product. Do not remove tags, stickers, etc. Unless you are sure you want to keep the product. Presence of original tags is a must to process returns.
As a policy, our teams shall examine the products on return and identify the defects/variation as indicated by you.